Thursday, May 18, 2006

Asset Reallocation Setback...What To Do, What To Do...

Well, I had originally hoped to reallocate my assets on May 1. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I wasn't prepared to move my funds around. Fortunately because the stock market has been taking a beating in the last few days. I guess you could look at it in two ways, a buying opportunity or not. I tend to believe the market is set for a fairly large downward turn because I believe inflation is real. Gas and metals are going up...way up. Not to mention the hurricane season coming up, which will add more pressure to many industries, agricultural included, meaning higher crop prices. Plus the housing industry is seeing a downturn. Add the tension in the middle east, and you've just got tons of things pointing to disaster. Being a financial pessimist at this time, I feel like waiting it out for awhile. I did move money into my investment account, but I may just wait a little longer. With inflation comes the possibility of the feds increasing interest rates a full point? Wow. Anyway, I'm in no rush...Right now, I feel happy I'm not exposed to the market volatility too much.


Anonymous said...

I hear you! I have some funds in energy and gold funds. I have made some nice profits there, but those same funds have gotten slapped silly over the last week.

City Girl said...

Seriously. Still, bad times makes for good pickings, non?

freedumb said...

Yeah, bad times do make for good pickings, but when is a good time to pick?

LAmoneyguy, sorry to hear that man! Hopefully things will turn around soon...