Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Doggie Costs...The Financial Side Of My Furry Friend.

Under constant revision. 07.14.2006 - Brownie had an episode of major diahrrea, and it went on for a whole day and half so I took him to the vet. He was okay, and doc felt it was best to just give him some pills to help ease his stomach and then keep an eye on him. Well, all tests and visit fees came out to $81.00. Total cost to date: $4,301.79. Poor guy, he had another episode yesterday...I'm gonna take it easy on the treats and keep him on just his kibble and celery (for fiber). 06.22.2006 - Dog Food (Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul): $35.00 Treats (Bully sticks, yeah weird that I just wrote about another kind of bullies): $12.00 Wholistic Pet Salmon Oil (32oz): $36.00 Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM (Triple Flex, For me and my dog actually): $30.00 / 150 pills Total to date: $4,220.79. 05.16.2006 - Bought dog food. Total to date: $4107.79. 05.15.2006 - Bought reflective breakaway collars, ball, id tags, and bed. Total: $4072.79. 04.28.2006 - Hold your breath, $220.77 for microchipping, treats, a couple toys, leash, antibiotics, and flea medicine (almost ~$90.00! for 6 months). Total to date: $3,992.79 04.24.2006 - $110.00 pet insurance, standard plan. Total to date: $3772.02. 04.15.2006 - $40.00 for additional classes. $48.95 for food. Total to date: $3662.02. 04.07.2006 - $117.57 some flea/tick medicine, treats, and toys. Yeah, I spoil my dog... :) Total to date: $3573.07. 04.04.2006 - I received $125.00 from the other dog owner to cover half the vet costs. But I also bought Brownie some new toys, $13.00. So I'm subtracting 112.00 from the total cost of my dog, never thought that would happen! Current to date cost: $3455.50. 03.31.2206 - $3567.50...bought food. 03.07.2006 - He needs some antibiotics for his skin infection, $38.50. Total cost, $3538.50. 02.27.2006 - Orginal Post: So I got a dog in September of 05. He's a chocolate labrador. He's great! Total costs to date, February 27, 2006: Purchase: $1400.00 Vet bills: $750.00 (includes flea and heartworm medicine) Toys: $300.00 Bed and crate: $340.00 (2 wire crates, one plastic, two beds) Supplies: $250.00 (nail clipper, shampoo, bowls, collars, leashes) Food & Treats: $150.00 (nothing fancy right now, maybe eventually switch him to a better food...but he's been doing great on what he's eating right now.) Neuter/spay: $50.00 Classes: $40.00 Dog day care: $220.00 (For 11 days, plus 1 free bath...on occasions where it's raining, he can run around with other dogs. Good for socialization and when I need to do something for a day. I've only use 2 days out 11 day package so far.) Total: $3500.00 Cost per month: $583.33 I figure the cost per month will decrease as he gets older. Vet bills were high initially because of the vaccinations and check ups. Also, he had an emergency visit because of a dog bite. But the companionship of a dog is well worth it. Here's a short list of reasons why: 1. Every morning he's happy and bouncy. It brightens my day. 2. He's a character when it comes to eating time... 3. Keeps me active. 4. Has a tendency to drool when waiting for a treat...very funny. 5. Lets me know when someone is outside...he has a mini-bark. It's not as harsh as his full on bark. 6. Sleeps with his legs in the air...it's hilarious. 7. He just makes my life better... Other Doggie cost posts I stumble across: http://smbmoney.blogspot.com/2006/03/pet-ownership-costs.html


Anonymous said...

I've seen studies stating that pets help relieve stress. I've also seen that reducing stress increases quality and length of life. That's a great investment! That's one good looking dog, good luck!

freedumb said...

John, Thanks for the comment...I told my dog what you said, and he extends a warm "ruff."

anywherebutTX said...

I have a 7 year old Corgi that has cost me $12,953... Not including food. Just the dog and vet bills. I started keeping a log the third week I had him because I was a 21 year old waitress that had to budget every cent. In the first three weeks he had been to the emergency vet 4 times. Now... Seven years later he has been worth every penny!

freedumb said...

Fanuch, yeah, the costs of having a dog can vary a lot...One of my friends got into the $10k range for their dog, who had various health issues, to another friend who barely hit $1k in the first year...Health issues are the biggest question marks in cost...but things like crates, toys, and food can add up really quick too...they are worth it though! My dog is romping around like crazy right now...I don't even have to watch TV... :)

SMB said...

Ha! I followed a link to your blog, see your puppy's delightful face, click on the "read more" link, and there's a link to my site where I'm talking about what I've spent on MY pup!

I'm not sure how much we've spent on ours since we got him--I'm sure it's shocking, but as I said, he's worth every penny.

I wish you many years of happiness with your furry friend.

freedumb said...

anywherebutTX, That's a pretty penny you spent on your dog...I'm sure every cent was worth it. I totally understand the first 4 visists to emergency...when they're pups they can and will get into everything...

SMB, thanks! I left a comment on your blog...