Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Are You a Tease Shopper? How About a Value Shopper?

I'm a tease shopper. I go into a store, look around. I have a couple things I need...shaving gel, some pens, and maybe a magazine. I spend hours deciding between two or three different brands, comparing value, features, smell, ingredients if it's food, quality, etc. etc. etc. I then find a few things that I've "wanted," but don't really need...put them in my basket or cart. I proceed to look around. Finally, I approach the cash register and pull a 360. I put back 50% of what I don't need. I even go back and compare brands of shaving gel again, even though I always use the same one. People give me weird looks. But I feel good leaving the store with only the things I need. I'm a tease. I'm also a a value shopper. This applies more to supermarket shopping. I go into a store, and only buy things on sale. I rarely buy stuff that isn't. I don't know why. I just can't get myself to buy something at regular price. I like seeing "SALE" next to each item on my receipt...I feel like I won something. Then at the bottom it says, "You saved $xx.xx." I always try to make this value bigger than the amount I actually spent...I've done it a few times, but it's not easy. Oh, and I love the surprise sale / price error items! Like finding money in my pocket. My two value shopping goals: 1. All items with "SALE" next to it. 2. My saved amount greater than my paid amount. I'm a value shopper. Anyway, just thought I'd share my shopping habits with you. How about you? Are you a value and tease shopper like me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work in a store and I too love it when an item scans for lower than the listed price. I feel like I've just handed someone a winning lottery ticket.