Thursday, April 20, 2006

Business Idea? What's Your Thoughts On This One...

I'm all for free enterprise and creative business ideas, but this one is uhhh, interesting. I wonder how they determine their fee...By pound? Size? Smell? Type? And looking deeper into this, what kind of owner would allow large amounts of poo to collect until someone comes to pick it up...I guess if you have a large yard, it might be okay, but still... Anyway, I just thought it was funny...I can't imagine starting a business like this...I already have some hesitation picking my own dog's poop!


Anonymous said...

Actually, people make very good money doing just this. Funny how it all works isn't it? Congrats on the 47 days of not smoking!

freedumb said...

Thanks Jesse! Yeah it is very interesting how the free market works...