Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday! Update: Marriage and Hmmm...03.17.2006

Another week has gone by, and the weekend is just starting!!!! What a tough week it was. My urge to smoke again was stronger than it was when I first quit...At times I just wanted to go and buy a pack. I didn't. Yet. I really hope I can keep this up. This blog is really helping. Even if I don't successfully quit, I'm impressed...blogging helps! I guess logging your journey helps. Well, 13 days have passed and I'm $29.25 richer! Congrats to lamoneyguy! Who's engaged...And take a look at this post and _win_ some contests will ya! Finally, take a look at this post by SingleMom as she talks about things that make her, and most other people, go hmmm...Good thing I have the weekend to think about them! Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Keep it up pal. Just think how good it will feel when you are able to say you haven't smoked for a month.

Single Ma said...

Congrats on day 13! They say it only takes 3 weeks to break a bad habit. If this is true, you only have 8 more to go. *sending good vibes your way*

freedumb said...

Thanks Eric and Singlemom. Man I can't wait until I hit that month milestone...