Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Suddenly I Am a Genius! I Didn't Invest Last Month...

The market is hurting, and procrastination has made me feel like a genius for a day or two...That's odd. :/ I planned to do a major asset re-allocation just last month, but didn't. Mainly because I didn't do enough homework to determine what to invest in. Well, come June 13, the market has taken a dive...although my proposed stock investments, would have still only lost 1.22% or $583.00. Now the question is when to get back in. I'm thinking I may just shift my retirement investments to more aggressive investments rather than investing my cash.


freedumb said...

Actually dumb luck might be an appropriate term here... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, that would fit the title of your blog! haha. Well, for whatever reason, I remember you felt very pessimistic about the markets and economy. Much of that has been attributed as the cause of the recent market declines. Dumb luck, good intuition. Either way, same result. Good job.