Friday, June 02, 2006

05.2006 Net Worth [+$3,287.72, +1.72%]

The theme of this month? Getting over my luxuries. Coming out positive is good, but considering the percentage, I'm way off target to hit my goal for the year. This month was a month of expenses: - Additional expenses for airfare. - A couple new toys, as detailed here. Including a new fishing reel which was not mentioned. - A fair amount of driving this month, meant more spent on gas. I also shifted a bunch of cash from my savings to my investment account. It's not invested yet, but will be soon. Read my posts on asset reallocation. June and July should be a good months. No unusual expenses expected, however, August is going to be bad.


Anonymous said...

Is that your increase year-to-date or for the last month? OH, and just fyi I don't think you can put google and yahoo ads right next to each other like you do in the footer. Just a heads up. Take it easy.

freedumb said...

The increase is vs. last month.

I'll look into changing the layout...didn't know that. Thanks!