Monday, June 19, 2006

Commericals That I Really Enjoy...Priceless.

Commericials should convince you to buy. For whatever reason, whether you just like the few seconds of entertainment provided, the value of the product, the principle behind the company, whatever it might be, the commercial should "sell you." I wrote about commercials I despise...this time, I'd like to write about commericals I've enjoyed. - Funny and/or gives me useful information. Mastercard - Priceless commercials really hit home for some reason. Well done IMHO. American Express - The one by M. Night Shaymalan was really good. I liked it. Almost like mini movies...great idea. Probably not as effective, but entertaining. McDonalds - Always positive, puts a smile on my face. Toyota - I like Nissan automobiles, but I got to admit, those Toyota truck commercials work. The meteor-proof, resilient trucks... Vytorin - Yeah, I really like these commercials. They are educational and catchy.


Anonymous said...

I was actually thinking about writing a post about how terrible the priceless commercials are! Pretty funny. Essentially, they are telling people, "hey, this and that cost money, but it's for your memories and relationships, so just go ahead and charge it. It's worth it."

freedumb said...

Hah...that is pretty funny...You're right though, the actual message of the Mastercard commercials isn't the greatest...Of course, I don't know how else Mastercard could really advertise besides convincing people to use plastic to buy everything...